Whole Foods Giving Tree

Hephzibah Whole Foods Giving Tree Program

Once you sign up, you’ll…


    1. Receive an ornament from the Whole Foods giving tree detailing the age and gender of the child(ren) you’ll be shopping for, as well as gifts the child is requesting.
    2. Shop for your gift(s). Wrap nicely, and tie or tape your special ornament to the outside of your package. (This is extremely important as it’s the only way we know which gift goes where.)
    3. Gift pick-up will occur daily beginning on Saturday, November 30th.
    4. Deadline to drop your gift(s) is Monday, December 16th at Whole Foods in River Forest.
    Questions? Call or email Annette Anderson at (708) 649-7093, aanderson@www.hephzibahhome.org.
    Thank you for filling out the Whole Foods Giving Tree donation form. An email confirmation will be sent to you once you hit submit, and a tax deductible letter will be sent to your mailing address. Our auditors require a value for all in-kind donations and we appreciate your cooperation filling out this required field. Thank you for your generous holiday contribution.

Sign Up Now to Learn More about Hephzibah

Your Donation Will Impact a Child's Life.