Hephzibah Home

Offering Hope & Healing for Children

Hephzibah Home serves some of the youngest victims of severe abuse, neglect and trauma and children in need of behavioral intervention, ages 3-11 in Illinois. At Hephzibah Home we offer children a safe haven, and a place for them to stabilize and heal so that they can eventually return to a home environment. Hephzibah Home offers each child an individual treatment plan based on their specific needs.

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Hephzibah Home

Our clinical team provides comprehensive therapeutic support to help children heal from trauma and develop healthy behaviors and life skills, and our education team supports the academic needs of the children. The supports for the children come in the form of therapies such as art and pet therapy, music and movement therapy and sensory modulation treatment. Our team helps children meet their goals and develop the vital skills they need to move to foster or permanent placements.

The Healing and Long Journey of Recovery Begins
the Moment a Child Comes Through Our Doors.

When children come to Hephzibah Home, staff greet them warmly, and make sure they know they are safe from harm. The work starts there, and carries on during the healing process, ensuring each child receives the individualized treatment and care they need.

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Your Donation Will Impact a Child's Life.