Volunteer Opportunities

Every Child Deserves Family Support

We are grateful to all of our volunteers for their time, commitment and dedication and have re-opened volunteer opportunities for a limited number of positions. We currently host a series of bi-monthly virtual volunteer information sessions to share more details about these openings. Our next session is Thursday, August 31st at 6:00 p.m. Please register below for an upcoming session. If you would like to inquire about general opportunities and prefer to be contacted directly, please fill out the volunteer inquiry form below. Our Volunteer Manager will contact you.

Questions about Hephzibah’s Auxiliary Board? Contact our Special Events Manager today!

Learn More About Our Volunteer Opportunities Today

Join An Auxiliary Board

Day Care Volunteer (13+)

These Volunteers are on-site at our After School Day Care Program at Oak Park’s Elementary Schools. As a friend and positive role model, you will help with homework, play games, and assist staff.

Heartmate (21+)

Heartmate mentors make long-term commitments to spend time with a child living in Hephzibah’s Group Home playing games, doing art projects, playing outside and small group activities.

Helpmate (13+)

These volunteers don’t have regular duties or a consistent schedule. Help Mates help out where we need it; volunteering with one-time projects, annual events or special events.

FBS Mentor (21+)

Family Based Services mentors make long-term commitments to spend time with a child. You will spend quality time together for one to two hours, 2-3 times/month. Additional orientation, application and training are required.

OPRF Huskie Helpers

The Huskie Helpers are OPRF high school volunteers who meet once every other week before school and organize events for the group home kids: taking them to OPRF sports events, movie nights, and the end-of-year Rodeo.

Corporate, Business, Foundation, or Community Partner

This highly successful program offers corporations, businesses, foundations and organizations a valuable opportunity to raise their visibility in the community while boosting employee or member morale and fostering a culture of teamwork and civic responsibility. Our partners can choose from a wide variety of activities with the children living in our group homes or suggest their own activities or projects.

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Your Donation Will Impact a Child's Life.