Onward They Go!

Each summer we celebrate the new graduates of our After School Care and Summer Camp Program who transition onward and upward to 6th grade, away from their elementary schools. These children are often a part of our program for years, and all of them leave with wonderful memories and a touch of sadness saying goodbye to the program they have adored.

To say children and parents love our After School Care and Summer Camp program is an understatement. At the graduation ceremony, the children were honored and treated to a party to celebrate their accomplishment. Every child and parent was given the opportunity to speak to the crowd and share what they will miss the most and how the program impacted them. To quote a few…

The Kids Say:

  • “I love the field trips at Summer Hephzibah!”
  • “I met my best friends at Hephzibah After School.”
  • “I feel like the staff are good role models for me.”
  • “The staff never get mad! I love how calm and nice they are, even when we make mistakes.”

The Parents Say:

  • My child never wants to come home!”
  • “My daughter is her best self when she goes to Summer Hephzibah.”
  • “The staff teach the kids the power of choice and how to respect others.”
  • “I love Hephzibah and everything they do for the community!”
  • “I am always blown away by the quality of staff and the care they give the kids.”
  • “Hephzibah provides the mentorship and role models that my kids need.”

Hephzibah After School Care and Summer Camp staff cherish their time with each child as much as the kids enjoy their time with Hephzibah. It’s easy to see what makes this program one-of-a-kind!

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